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© You just gotta believe.

© You just gotta believe.


© You just gotta believe.

Soon 18 :)
Watch! :)


if not, I’ll try my best to get noticed! This is a video I put together to make sure you have a great birthday. Hope you enjoy it and I just want you to know that, we, the beliebers is always on your side. We love you, so here we go. 

Happy 18th b-day Justin!

I hope you are watching this Justin, if not, I’ll try my best to get noticed! This is a video I put together to make sure you have a great birthday. Hope you enjoy it and I just want you to know that, we, the beliebers is always on your side. We love you, so here we go. J

© You just gotta believe.

Click here for a really good song!

© You just gotta believe.

© You just gotta believe.

© You just gotta believe.

© You just gotta believe.

© You just gotta believe.

© You just gotta believe.

© You just gotta believe.

© You just gotta believe.

When you can't finish a story because your laughing too hard about the end.

I finish half of my popcorn, before the movie even starts.

I restart the song when I miss my favorite part.

That awkward moment when you have to blow your nose and it's all quiet in class.

When someone randomly falls out of their chair during class.

Dear Math, go buy a calculator and solve your own problems. I'm a teenager, not a therapist.

I hate it when someone starts to tell you something but they end up saying “never mind”.

That awkward moment when your mom is yelling at you in front of your friends.

Whenever someone asks me to recommend a movie, I all of a sudden forget every good movie ever made.


That awkward moment when you walk out of your bedroom in pajamas and there's a guest in your house.

Typing the lyrics into Google to find the name of the song.

That awkward moment when a stranger is staring at you and you don't know what to do.

"I'm bored.." *Signs Out* "I'm still bored." *SIGNS BACK IN*

That awkward moment when you've been looking for something for minutes when you realized you're holding it.

That awkward moment when you laugh so hard that no noise comes out and you just sit there clapping like a retarded seal.

I hate it when I actually do the homework and the teacher never collects it.

S.I.N.G.L.E = Strong, Independent, Noticeable, Generous, Loving, Enlightened.

That awkward moment when you're in the middle of telling a story & you realize it's pointless.

Friend: "Omg, your parents are so nice!" ... "It's because you're here."

I always REGRET leaving my phone on "silent" when I can't find it!

Sometimes you forgive people simply because you still want them in your life.

"What does IDK mean?" "I don't know" "OH MY GOD nobody does!"

[BE]lieve in [YOU]rself.

Hilary Duff's pregnant, Harry Potter's over, Zack & Cody graduated, Miley revealed her secret. My childhood's over.

I want to talk to you but I hate feeling like I'm annoying you.

L.I.F.E. (L)ive (I)t (F)ully (E)veryday.

The awkward When your friends are talking about plans in front of you, but they don't invite you.

That heart attack when you miss a step on the stairs.

FRIENDS = (F)ight for you. (R)espect you. (I)nvolve you. (E)ncourage you. (N)eed you. (D)eserve you. (S)ave you.

If twitter was school, I'd have perfect attendence.

That awkward moment when you accidentally hit the 'like' button during facebook stalking.

That awkward moment when you're typing your password and someone is staring at the keyboard.

That awkward moment when you’re supposed to be cleaning your room, and you put music on and it turns into a dance party for one.

That awkward moment when your teacher asks you to read out loud, and you don’t even know what page they’re on.

Everytime I see "Explain" on a test, a part of me dies.

Dear websites asking for my age, I'm going to select born in 2011. Sincerely, Nice option.

"Dude, you're singing the wrong words" "No, I'm making a remix!"

Telling your mum that you will pay her later so that she'll buy you what you want.

That awkward moment when someone is getting accused for something you did.

When I clean my room, 50% I sit around and do nothing. 49% I dance around. 1% I clean.

I add a 'haha' behind my text so I don't sound too serious.

The awkward moment when the person you like asks you who you like.

3 biggest lies: 1. I'm fine. 2. I will never hurt you again. 3. I'll start my diet tomorrow.

I remember when I was a kid, I went on the computer just to use paint.

Dear teacher, I talk to everyone, so moving my seat won't help. Sincerely, me.

Dear Teacher, when 95% of us fail, it isn't because we didn't try, its because you're a terrible teacher.

I hate when I message someone, get no response, and am left feeling like an idiot.

Teacher: "Please stop talking while I'm teaching" Student: "Please stop teaching while I'm talking."

I'm perfect[l]y f[i]n[e] tru[s]t me.

#LiesIveToldMyParents I dont have any homework.

When Facebook starts showing how many times you've visited someone's profile, we're all screwed.

Direct eye contact can be really cute, awkward, or creepy..

The awkward moment when you're pulling a push door.

Teachers call it 'copying' we call it 'Teamwork'

"What happened?" "It's a long story." "I've got time." "Crap, I need a new excuse."

I wonder if someone famous ever touched my money before.

Deleting one ''ha'' from your ''hahahaha'' because you think it's a bit too much.

That feeling when you realize you didn't do yesterday's homework.

S.C.H.O.O.L = Seven Crappy Hours Of Our Lives.

My head hates you, but my heart loves you.

Saying," OH YEAH I REMEMBER " when you really don't.

Blonde: What does GTG mean? Brunette: Got to go. Blonde: Ugh! Every-time I ask someone they have to leave!

“Are you sleeping?” “Nah, I'm playing dead”

(1) Friend Request (0) Mutual Friends. how the hell did you find me?

"K" should be arrested for killing conversations.

Texting a person in the same room as you are, then staring at them until they get it.

A REAL man doesn't love a million girls, he loves one girl in a million ways. ♥

The awkward moment when someone asks you whats wrong and they are the problem.

That moment when you're freaking out & all you can write is "efethythyt"

So, according to chain messages, I've been killed in my sleep about 40 times.

"Are you free tomorrow?" "No, i'm very expensive."

That awkward moment when someones laugh is funnier than the joke.

First dates are awkward. First kisses are heavenly. First loves are irreplaceable and first heartbreaks are unforgettable.

That awkward moment when someone deletes their comment on facebook and you look like you’re talking to yourself.

That awkward moment when a comment gets more “likes” than your status.

That awkward moment when someone rejects your high five.

© You just gotta believe.

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